=== A Better Shelter === Contributors: mkitcowt Donate Link: https://plugin.abettershelter.com/donations/donation-form/ Tags: animal, animals, rescue, shelter, database Requires at least: 4.7 Tested up to: 5.8.1 Stable tag: 1.0.0 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Animal Management System for shelters and rescue groups to maintain a database of rescue animals and related information: intake, status, comments, photos and profile. == Installation == 1. Upload the `abettershelter` folder to the `wp-content/plugins` directory. 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress. When activated, the plugin creates 7 shortcodes. 3. Create 7 pages with permalinks/shortcodes The wordpress system administrator must create 7 unique wordpress pages (through the 'Pages' Add New option in WordPress) with the permalinks/shortcodes below. The Page Names can be customized but the Permalinks/Shortcodes must be as written. __________________________________________________________________________________________ |Page Name | Permalink* | Shortcode | |_______________________|___________________________|_____________________________________| |Our Pets | (url)/abettershelter | [abettershelter] | |Animal (Detail) | (url)/abs-animal-detail | [abettershelter_animal_detail] | |Animals (Listing) | (url)/abs-animal-listing | [abettershelter_animal_listing] | |Animals (Lookup) | (url)/abs-animal-lookup | [abettershelter_animal_lookup] | |ABS Administration | (url)/abs-admin | [abettershelter_admin] | |ABS Authorization | (url)/abs-user-listing | [abettershelter_user_listing] | |ABS Petfinder Transfer | (url)/abs-transfer | [abettershelter_petfinder_transfer] | |_________________________________________________________________________________________| *Permalink begins with your website url followed by the link name ie. https://yourwebsite.org/abettershelter 4. Add the main page to your site The main page (Our Pets) should be referenced within a menu or other place on your website. This is the only link needed to use all the pages of the plugin. The other (6) pages can be accessed from here. 5. Add an ABS Administrator The WordPress system administrator must be logged into the website. Go to the main page (Our Pets on the front end) and click on the Admin button, then the Users button. Enter the login user name(s) (including him/herself if desired) who will be the administrator(s) for this plugin. Check the Admn box and click the Add button. When logged in, the ABS Administrator will have permission to update/view ALL information and specify other Users (by their login name) for specific/limited permissions. == Frequently Asked Questions == = How do I add an animal? = Click on "New Entry" in the Main Page. You must be logged into your website and have ABS "Admin" or "Intake" permission to add new animals. = What are 'permissions'? = Permissions enable an individual/"user" who is logged in, to update/view specific information. Permissions are maintained by the ABS Administrator in the Users page. = Can the general public view animals? = Yes. Visitors to your website can view CURRENT animals in your shelter or rescue. They can also view the Intake, Status, Photos, Comments and Profile pages. However, once an animal leaves, they will not appear in the main listing. = Do animals get deleted from the database when they are adopted or leave the shelter? = No. When an animal is no longer with the shelter or rescue group, their status is updated but their information can be retrieved in the Lookup page. However, this requires permission. = Is any information confidential? = Some information is for internal use and is not displayed to the general public, but will display if the viewer is logged in and has permission. = Animal photos were uploaded but are missing in the listing page and flyer. Why? = Multiple animal photos can be uploaded by someone who is logged in with the necessary permissions. After uploading, they must click the Primary button next to one image to be displayed in other pages. = User authorization was updated but their permission is not recognized. Why? = The user must be logged in AND their login name must match the ABS user name entered on the Authorization page. = What is Petfinder Transfer? = Petfinder.com is a popular website used by animal shelters and rescue organizations nationwide. If you have a registered account with them, you can electronically transfer your current pets to their site with a few clicks and eliminate the tedious chore of redundant data entry. = Other = See Documentation for additional details. == Screenshots == 1. Main Page 2. Main Page (with Admin permissions) 3. Main Page (with other permissions) 4. Animals (Listing) 5. Intake 6. Status 7. Photos 8. Comments 9. Profile 10. Flyer 11. Admin 12. Flyer Admin 13. Petfinder Credentials 14. Petfinder Transfer Preview 15. Petfinder Transfer Results 16. User Authorization 17. Lookup == Changelog == Nothing yet == Upgrade Notice == n/a - This is a FREE plugin! == Documentation == Visit https://plugin.abettershelter.com for additional documentation. !!! Special Note about backups and deleting this plugin !!! Be sure to BACKUP data regularly for added security. Also, the Wordpress Delete Plugin option will delete the plugin AND the animal info you updated. This includes the animal photos stored in wp-content/uploads/abs_images and the following tables in the Wordpress database (* is the wordpress table prefix): *_abs_admin *_abs_animal_comments *_abs_animal_intake *_abs_animal_profile *_abs_animal_status *_abs_animal_status_history *_abs_breed *_abs_codes *_abs_color *_abs_species *_abs_users